String Methods
- capitalize()
- center(width[, fillchar])
- count(sub[, start[, end]])
- decode
- encode([encoding[, errors]])
- endswith(suffix[, start[, end]])
- expandtabs([tabsize])
- find(sub[, start[, end]])
- format(*args, **kwargs)
- index(sub[, start[, end]])
- isalnum()
- isalpha()
- isdigit()
- islower()
- isspace()
- istitle()
- isupper()
- join(iterable)
- ljust(width[, fillchar])
- lower()
- lstrip([chars])
- partition(sep)
- replace(old, new[, count])
- rfind(sub[, start[, end]])
- rindex(sub[, start[, end]])
- rjust(width[, fillchar])
- rpartition(sep)
- rsplit([sep[, maxsplit]])
- rstrip([chars])
- split([sep[, maxsplit]])
- splitlines([keepends])
- startswith(prefix[, start[, end]])
- strip([chars])
- swapcase
- title()
- translate(table[, deletechars])
- upper()
- zfill(width)
- isnumeric()
- isdecimal()
Indexes and Slices
- a=[0,1,2,3,4,5]
- 6
- len(a)
- 0
- a[0]
- 5
- a[5]
- 5
- a[-1]
- 4
- a[-2]
- [1,2,3,4,5]
- a[1:]
- [0,1,2,3,4]
- a[:5]
- [0,1,2,3]
- a[:-2]
- [1,2]
- a[1:3]
- [1,2,3,4]
- a[1:-1]
- Shallow copy of a
- b=a[:]
- math.pi
- The mathematical constant π = 3.141592..., to available precision.
- math.e
- The mathematical constant e = 2.718281..., to available precision.
- seed([x])
- getstate()
- setstate(state)
- jumpahead(n)
- getrandbits(k)
- randrange([start], stop[, step])
- randint(a,b)
- choice(seq)
- shuffle(x[,random])
- sample(population,k)
- random()
- uniform(a,b)
- triangular(low,high,mode)
- betavariate(alpha,beta)
- expovariate(lambd)
- gammavariate(alpha,beta)
- gauss(mu,sigma)
- lognormvariate(mu,sigma)
- normalvariate(mu,sigma)
- vonmisesvariate(mu,kappa)
- paretovariate(alpha)
- weibullvariate(alpha,beta)
Sys Variables
- argv
- Command line args
- builtin_module_names
- Linked C modules
- byteorder
- Native byte order
- check_-interval
- Signal check frequency
- exec_prefix
- Root directory
- executable
- Name of executable
- exitfunc
- Exit function name
- modules
- Loaded modules
- path
- Search path
- platform
- Current platform
- stdin, stdout, stderr
- File objects for I/O
- version_info
- Python version info
- winver
- Version number
- foo.py
- sys.argv[0]
- bar
- sys.argv[1]
- -c
- sys.argv[2]
- qux
- sys.argv[3]
- --h
- sys.argv[4]
os Variables
- altsep
- Alternative sep
- curdir
- Current dir string
- defpath
- Default search path
- devnull
- Path of null device
- extsep
- Extension separator
- linesep
- Line separator
- name
- Name of OS
- pardir
- Parent dir string
- pathsep
- Patch separator
- sep
- Path separator
Special Methods
- __new__(cls)
- __lt__(self, other)
- __init__(self, args)
- __le__(self, other)
- __del__(self)
- __gt__(self, other)
- __repr__(self)
- __ge__(self, other)
- __str__(self)
- __eq__(self, other)
- __cmp__(self, other)
- __ne__(self, other)
- __index__(self)
- __nonzero__(self)
- __hash__(self)
- __getattr__(self, name)
- __getattribute__(self, name)
- __setattr__(self, name, attr)
- __delattr__(self, name)
- __call__(self, args, kwargs)
String Formatting
Formatting Operations
- 'd'
- Signed integer decimal.
- 'i'
- Signed integer decimal.
- 'o'
- Signed octal value.
- 'u'
- Obsolete type – it is identical to 'd'.
- 'x'
- Signed hexadecimal (lowercase).
- 'X'
- Signed hexadecimal (uppercase).
- 'e'
- Floating point exponential format (lowercase).
- 'E'
- Floating point exponential format (uppercase).
- 'f'
- Floating point decimal format.
- 'F'
- Floating point decimal format.
- 'g'
- Floating point format. Uses lowercase exponential format if exponent is less than -4 or not less than precision, decimal format otherwise.
- 'G'
- Floating point format. Uses uppercase exponential format if exponent is less than -4 or not less than precision, decimal format otherwise.
- 'c'
- Single character (accepts integer or single character string).
- 'r'
- String (converts any Python object using repr().
- 's'
- String (converts any Python object using str()
- '%'
- No argument is converted, results in a '%' character in the result.
Date Formatting
Date Formatting
- %a
- Abbreviated weekday (Sun)
- %A
- Weekday (Sunday)
- %b
- Abbreviated month name (Jan)
- %B
- Month name (January)
- %c
- Date and time
- %d
- Day (leading zeros) (01 to 31)
- %H
- 24 hour (leading zeros) (00 to 23)
- %I
- 12 hour (leading zeros) (01 to 12)
- %j
- Day of year (001 to 366)
- %m
- Month (01 to 12)
- %M
- Minute (00 to 59)
- %p
- AM or PM
- %S
- Second (00 to 61?)
- %U
- Week number1 (00 to 53)
- %w
- Weekday2 (0 to 6)
- %W
- Week number3 (00 to 53)
- %x
- Date
- %X
- Time
- %y
- Year without century (00 to 99)
- %Y
- Year (2008)
- %Z
- Time zone (GMT)
- %%
- A literal "%" character (%)